
Agenda Item #1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - TreesColumbus, Inc.
Planning Department
Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) with \n \n TreesColumbus, Inc., to reimburse the City for consultant services for the \n \n Veterans Parkway Streetscape Project.
In 2004, TreesColumbus, Inc., initiated a request for a $1 million

Transportation Enhancement grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation

(GDOT), for streetscape improvements along Veterans Parkway, from Victory Drive

to 14th Street. The grant funds require a twenty (20) percent match, which

TreesColumbus, Inc., had previously agreed to, prior to the submission of this

grant. This match amount will be used to pay for the consultant services

needed to design and develop the streetscape project. The initial cost of this

first phase is approximately $255,000. Funds ($1 million) for Phase II of

this project have been approved by GDOT and will also require a twenty (20)

percent match to be funded by TreesColumbus at a later date.
A MOU is necessary to formalize the agreement for payment from TreesColumbus,

Inc., as the City is the responsible agency for this grant. The MOU details

how the payments are to be made to the City.
Financial Considerations
The City is the ultimate responsible agency for the administration of this

grant. The budget will be amended in the Mid Year Adjustment that will be

coming forward to Council in the upcoming weeks.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed MOU and has approved it.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

with TreesColumbus, Inc., to reimburse the City for consultant services for the

Veterans Parkway Streetscape Project.