
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program FY18 Competitive Grant Announcement
Superior Court - Adult Drug Court
Approval is requested to submit an application, and if approved, accept \n \n $500,000.00 from the US Department of Justice for the operation of the Muscogee \n \n County Adult Felony Drug Court, from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022 and \n \n to amend the Multi-governmental Fund by $500,000.00. ($125,000.00 per year for \n \n 4 years)
The Department of Justice has provided funds to enhance Adult Drug Courts.

The funds are being provided through the US Department of Justice to be

utilized to operate courts in FY19-22. These funds will be used to partner

with New Horizons Behavioral Health to enhance the treatment options of the

Adult Drug Court and better serve the community with Medication Assisted

Treatment options. This award will also allow the court to partner with Dr.

Andrew Cox in providing clinical and program evaluation services to the court.
The Muscogee County Adult Felony Drug Court is requesting a grant of

$500,000.00 from the US Department of Justice to operate the Adult Felony Drug

Court for a period of 48 months.
Financial Considerations
The City is required to provide a 25% cash or In Kind matching funds to

participate in this grant program. Cash match in the amount of $166,666.67

over the project period of 48 months is $41,666.50. This amount is satisfied

by the annual salary of a city paid employee, Ingrid Edwards, combined with

local DATE funds allocated to the Adult Drug Court in the amount of at least

$8,400 annually. The Adult Drug Court is historically awarded in excess of

this amount from the DATE funds.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The Columbus Consolidated Government will not be required to continue this

program when the grant funds have been expended
Legal Considerations
The Columbus Consolidated Government is eligible to apply for funds from the US

Department of Justice.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant application

and if approved, accept funds from the US Department of Justice for the

operation of the Muscogee County Adult Felony Drug Court, from January 1, 2019

to December 31, 2022 and authorize a sole source contract to New Horizons

Behavioral Health and Dr. Andrew Cox and to amend the Multi-Governmental Fund

by the amount of the grant award.

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