
Agenda Item #1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Tax Allocation District Redevelopment Plan (TADRP): MidTown Columbus
MidTown Inc / Columbus Consolidated Government
The Planning Department recommends approval of the proposed TADRP: MidTown \n \n Columbus.
This plan presents the rationale, boundaries, fiscal data and proposed projects

which could result from the formation of the Columbus Consolidated Government,

Tax Allocation Districts #5? MidTown West and Tax Allocation District #6?

MidTown East. This redevelopment plan was prepared by Bleakly Advisory Group,

Inc. (BAG) in conformance with the provisions of Georgia Redevelopment Powers

Law (O.C.G.A. Title 36 Chapter 44) which governs the creation of the Tax

Allocation Districts (TADs) in the state. This plan was prepared in cooperation

with the City of Columbus, on behalf of MidTown, Inc.
The purpose of the proposed TADs is to support new commercial and residential

infill development within the MidTown Redevelopment Area. Together the two TADs

will help future developers overcome deficient public infrastructure, address

off-site costs and other impediments which have made development of many

MidTown properties economically unfeasible to date.
Financial Considerations
See attached proposed TAD.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The proposed area meets the statutory definition of a Redevelopment Area under

five specific provisions of the Redevelopment Powers Law.
Recommendations/ Actions
The Planning Department recommends approval of the proposed TADRP: MidTown
