
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
2015-16 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Special Award through Prosecuting Attorney?s Council (PAC)
District Attorney Victim Witness Assistance Program
Approval is requested to authorize the District Attorney?s Victim-Witness \n \n Assistance Program to submit and if approved, accept a grant for $81,836 from \n \n the Prosecuting Attorney?s Council along with $15,344 from the 5% Crime Victim \n \n Surcharge Fund allocated in the FY16 Budget to provide funding for Crime Victim \n \n Assistance in the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit from October 1, 2015 to \n \n September 30, 2016. Along with an additional In-Kind Match of $5,114 to be \n \n contributed by volunteer hours, it is requested that the multi-governmental \n \n fund be amended by the amount awarded plus the local match.
In July of 1989, the Office of the District Attorney began operating a Crime

Victim Assistance Program. In October of 1992, the Victim-Witness Assistance

Program was awarded the first Crime Victim Assistance Grant, thereby broadening

the program for the provision of basic services. In July of 1995, additional

funds were received from the 5% Crime Victim Surcharge Fund, thus allowing the

program to expand services to the 6 counties within the Chattahoochee Judicial

Circuit. Successful grant allocations since that time have sustained the

program. Although understaffed, the office currently employs a Victim Services

Director and 6 advocates.
For FY16, the Prosecuting Attorney?s Council of Georgia has allocated $81,836

to Muscogee County Government to support the Victim-Witness Assistance Program

for the grant year October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. The Prosecuting

Attorney?s Council of Georgia along with the Criminal Justice Coordinating

Council requires a 20% match and 25% of that (which is $5,114) must come in the

form of volunteer hours specified as In-Kind contributions. The District

Attorney requests Council?s authorization to utilize $15,344 from the 5% Crime

Victim Surcharge Funds, which is the minimum 20% match required. The total

amount of $102,294 represents the salary and wage for a newly created position

of Victim Advocate/Investigator who will assist in providing services to crime

victims from the time of arrest.
Financial Considerations
: The new position total is $102,294 with the Federal allocation of $81,836

along with $15,344 from the 5% Crime Victim Surcharge Fund and $5,114 from the

required In-Kind Match in the form of volunteer hours.

PAC Grant Funded Victim Advocate/Investigator

Position #1:

? Salary - $33,933

? FICA - $2,596

? Medical Insurance ? $5,650

? Retirement - $5,750

? Life Insurance - $171

? Workman?s Comp - $490

Position #2:

? Salary - $33,933

? FICA - $2,596

? Medical Insurance ? $5,650

? Retirement - $5,750

? Life Insurance - $171

? Workman?s Comp - $490

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There will be no annual fiscal impact as a result of this grant.
Legal Considerations
Georgia Law requires the District Attorney provide extensive services,

information and notification to crime victims. (O.C.G.A.-17-17-1) The District

Attorney is solely and directly responsible for complying with this law as

mandated by the Victims? Bill of Rights. Legislature acknowledges that this

mandate places additional burdens on prosecutors and have designed laws

enabling utilization of the 5% Crime Victim Surcharge Fund to assist in easing

said burdens.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize submission and, if approved, acceptance of a grant in the amount of

$81,836 from the Prosecuting Attorney?s Council of Georgia, along with $15,344

from the 5% Crime Victim Surcharge Fund, in order to begin providing services

from the moment an arrest occurs. This action will provide the funding for a

newly created Victim Advocate Investigator position to be in place for at least

the next three years.

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