
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Driveway Variance-6015 Caribou Drive
Donna Newman, Director of Engineering
Deny request for variance to allow driveway access to Forrest Road from 6015 \n \n Caribou Drive.
Staff has received a request from the owner of the property at 6015 Caribou

Drive to allow a new driveway access to Forrest Road. Section 7.9.2(B). of the

UDO states "Residential Lots in any major or minor subdivision shall have no

direct access to a collector or arterial street unless approved by the Council,

or to State or U.S.numbered highway unless approved by Georgia DOT." Forrest

Road is classified as a major collector.
The property owner has existing driveway access to Caribou Drive within the

Huntwood Subdivision. There are over 30 properties on the north side of

Forrest Road between Woodruff Farm Road and Schatulga Road that could have

similar request for access. Allowing this driveway would set a precedence for

others. The City is expending approximately $7.0 million on widening and

improving traffic flow along this section of Forrest Road. Approval of these

type of requests for access would negate the improvements being made. This

particular parcel is located approximately 150 ft. from Lansing Avenue and

could create conflict for the intersection.
Financial Considerations
Addition of the driveway would add approximately $500 in additional cost to the

Forrest Road Widening Project.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There are no projected annual impacts.
Legal Considerations
The UDO outlines Council approval for driveway request along Collector or

Arterial Roads.
Recommendations/ Actions
Deny request for variance to allow driveway access to Forrest Road from 6015

Caribou Drive.

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