
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Heath Drive No Parking Zone
Engineering Department
Approve ordinance enacting a "No Parking Anytime" along the south curb of Heath \n \n Drive, beginning at the west curb of River Road and running westerly along the \n \n south curb of Heath Drive a distance of 590 feet.
River Road Elementary School and citizens are experiencing problems with

vehicles parking on both sides of the street only leaving enough room for

traffic to flow in one direction. Vehicles parked on both sides of the roadway

causes unsafe conditions for Pedestrians crossing the street and site distance

problems for vehicles trying to ingress/egress the school driveway.
The Traffic Engineering at the request of Parents, Residents and the Principal

of River Road Elementary School, has observed this situation and concurs this

practice causes a unsafe situation for all.
Financial Considerations
The cost of installing Official Traffic Control signs will be derived from the

Traffic Engineering Budget.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
All ordinances require the approval of Columbus Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the ordinance enacting a "No Parking Anytime" along the south curb of

Heath Drive, beginning at the west curb of River Road and running westerly

along the south curb of Heath Drive a distance of 590 feet.

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