
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
2017 LMIG for Off-System Safety
Donna Newman, Director of Engineering
Approval is requested to receive 2017 LMIG for Off-System Safety Program funds \n \n in the amount up $200,000 or 90% project cost for upgrade of School Zone \n \n Flashers at various locations throughout the community, with a 10% match \n \n required.
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has approved the City of

Columbus to receive funding up to $200,000 or 90% of project cost, whichever is

less for lower cost safety improvements on city/county streets. The project

identified are upgrading the School Zone Flashers at various locations

throughout the community and depending on funding availability.
The existing flashers are mechanical and require manual resetting of the time

throughout the year to keep within the assigned posted hours for flash.
Financial Considerations
The 10% match will come from OLOST Road Infrastructure Funds.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The flashers will be maintained by the Department of Engineering ,Traffic

Engineering Division under the annual operation budget.
Legal Considerations
All grants require Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested to receive 2017 LMIG for Off-System Safety Program funds

in the amount up $200,000 or 90% project cost for upgrade of School Zone

Flashers at various locations throughout the community, with a 10% match


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