
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Second (2nd) Avenue Streetscape Study
Planning Department
Approval is requested to enter into a contractual agreement with the Georgia \n \n Department of Transportation (GDOT) to accept Federal/State Transportation \n \n Planning Funds to conduct a study of Second (2nd) Avenue (from Manchester \n \n Expressway/JR Allen Parkway to 18th Street) to determine if a streetscape is \n \n possible along this corridor.
The Second (2nd) Avenue corridor averages 21,000 vehicle trips per day and the

purpose of this study is to develop a streetscape plan to enhance the safety,

comfort, wayfinding, and visual experience of pedestrians, bicyclists, and

motorists. The Scope of Work will include landscaping, hard-scape, benches

,intersection improvements (crosswalks), streetlights, traffic-calming

measures, identify Utilities, and cost associated with each element.
The completion of this study will determine if a streetscape is possible along

this corridor due to the limited amount of Right-of-Way.
Financial Considerations
Cost of the study is $200,000.00 ($160,000 - 80% Federal) and will be funded

through the use of Federal/State Planning Funds allocated to the

Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study (C-PCTS). The 20% match of $40,000.00

will be funded from the OLOST Infrastructure Roads account.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The study will determine future improvements to the Second (2nd) Avenue

Corridor. Costs associated with this project will be determined at a later

Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has approved this action.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contractual

agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation to accept the

Federal/State Transportation Planning Funds to conduct a study on the 2nd

Avenue Corridor.

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