
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Sale of Lot 14, Northlake Centre & Adjacent Property
Department of Engineering
Authorize the City Manager to sale the right of way as shown on "Right of Way \n \n Survey, Lot 14, North Lake Centre & Adjacent Property" drawing with the \n \n reservation of a drainage and slope easement.
The City of Columbus purchased 0.06 acres of right of way from the George C.

Woodruff Co. in October 2013 for the Double Churches Road/Veterans Parkway

Intersection Improvement project. $16,470 and other associated cost was paid

to the Woodruff Co. for the value of the property.
The new owner of the property wishes to develop the lot but would need to

encroach into the right of way area in order to construct their development and

meet requirements of the UDO. They asked to purchase the right of way parcel

back from the City. Since the intersection project is now complete and all

improvements are in place, Engineering recommends selling the right of way

while retaining a drainage and slope easement for 50% of the original property

Financial Considerations
The owner has agreed to pay the City $8235 plus closing cost .
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
As outlined on the Right of Way Survey the City will maintain the storm sewer

system in the easement until it connects with the storm sewer system for the

commercial development on Lot 14.
Legal Considerations
Disposal of City owned property requires approval by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to sale the right of way as shown on "Right of Way

Survey, Lot 14, North Lake Centre & Adjacent Property" drawing with the

reservation of a drainage and slope easement.

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