
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Recycling Agreement - Fort Benning Garrison and Clark Realty
David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Authorize the City Manager to execute an Memorandum of Understanding with the \n \n Fort Benning Garrison and a Services Agreement with Fort Benning Family \n \n Communities LLC (Clark Reality Capital) for residential and other recycling \n \n services on the Fort Benning Military Reservation.
The City constructed a new Recycling/Sustainability Center to serve as a

regional recycling material processing center. The center primarily serves as

a processing center for local residential recyling efforts but has the capacity

and was intended to function as a regional center. The additional capacity

provides a revenue enhancement opportunity for the City in order to fund the

City's recycling effort. The City's partnership with Pratt Industry on

operations and marketing has been extremely successful in increasing tonnage

and revenue to support operation of the center. The City has been in

discussion with Fort Benning for several years to establish a public/public

partnership on recycling which would be fiscally advantageous to both

organizations. The opening of the City's new facility has provided the

opportunity for this partnership to become a reality. The initial phase of

this partnership will consist of a curb side residential program for all

housing areas on Fort Benning. Due to contractual obligations it is necessary

for the City to enter into an agreement with the Housing Management firm, Fort

Benning Family Communities LLC in order to implement the program. In

addition to the residential program, Fort Benning will direct their solid waste

contractor to transport all recycling materials to the City's center as opposed

to transporting the material to a landfill. This program is being implemented

as a pilot program for one year with an option to renew for two additional

years if successful. This partnership is projected to be a win/win for all

parties involved.
The pilot program is scheduled to begin on October 1, 2014 or upon delivery of

the recycling trucks and 95 gallon containers. The containers are being

purchased by Fort Benning Garrison and Fort Benning Family Communities. The

agreements will provide a revenue enhancement opportunity for the City to fund

local recycling operations. The recyling effort will assist Fort Benning in

meeting several Department of Defense mandates involving sustainability goals.

The agreements provide for early termination by either party with a 30 day

written notice. The City will utilize leased equipment to perform the

services which limits our financial liability in the event the agreement is

Financial Considerations
The City's will be responsible for leasing vehicles to support the contract and

additional staff to work the routes. Conservative estimates on the revenue

generated from the recycling is projected to exceed the cost of staffing and

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City will incur operational expenses for leasing of equipment and staffing

if the pilot program is successful. The determination of success will be if

revenues exceed expenses. If not, the program will be terminated.
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the Memorandum of Understanding and Services Agreement
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to execute an Memorandum of Understanding with the

Fort Benning Garrison and a Services Agreement with Fort Benning Family

Communities LLC (Clark Reality Capital) for residential and other recycling

services on the Fort Benning Military Reservation.