
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

Mayor and Council
Lease of Property - 921 Lawyers Lane Agenda
Mark McCollum, Community Reinvestment
Approval is requested to lease property owned by the City at 921 Lawyers Lane \n \n to Chattahoochee Valley Jail Ministry, Inc.
The property was acquired by the City in July 2011 by a transfer of the

property from the Sheriff. The property was acquired by the Sheriff due to a

bod forfeiture secured by the property. The property is a 6 unit apartment

building. A local non profit, Chattahoochee Valley Jail Ministry, Inc., has

requested to lease the property to provide housing for disadvantaged women and

women with children.
A resolution is need authorizing the City Manager to sign a lease agreement

with Chattahoochee Valley Jail Ministry.
Financial Considerations
The lease will be made with the Chattahoochee Valley Jail Ministry to provide

housing for disadvantaged women. The lease amount will be $1 per year for five

years with the option to renew.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There will be no annual fiscal impact from this agreement. The Lessee will be

responsible for the ongoing maintenance of both the interior and exterior of

the property.
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the adoption of the lease agreement.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a lease

agreement with Chattahoochee Valley Jail Ministry, Inc. for a term of 5 years,

with the option to renew, at $1 per year.

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