
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Collecting Donations for the Empty Bowl Fund Raiser
Parks and Recreation Department
Authorize the Columbus Parks and Recreation to accept donations in the form of \n \n gift certificates, check, and cash from sponsors and individuals for the \n \n purpose of purchasing supplies for the Empty Bowl event. Also, to allow \n \n Columbus Parks and Recreation to accept cash, check, and credit card donations \n \n before and during the event for tickets to the event, auction pieces, and money \n \n donations. 100% of the money will go to Feeding the Valley for the Kid?s Caf? \n \n program. Bowls will be sold after the event for donations as well. \n \n
Each year the Columbus Parks and Recreation Department holds its main charity

fundraiser ?The Empty Bowl Brunch? every spring for the Kids Caf?, a local

program of the Feeding the Valley Food Bank. Kids Cafe programs provide free

meals and snacks to low-income children through a variety of community

locations where children already congregate. In addition to providing meals to

kids, all Kids Cafe programs also offer a safe haven, where under the

supervision of trustworthy staff, a child can get involved in educational,

recreational and social activities.

The annual ?Empty Bowl? Brunch will be on Sunday, March 8nd from 11:00 am to

3:00 pm. Ticket holders will be able to choose a bowl (to keep) from among

hundreds of uniquely made pieces and enjoy all-you-can-eat ?homemade? style

soups, breads, desserts and drinks - and 100% of the proceeds go to the Kids

Caf?. This year the Empty Bowl will take place at Northside Recreation Center,

2010 American Way, Columbus, GA 31909.

Financial Considerations
Columbus Parks and Recreation provides a site, staff, firing bowls, and

administration of the program. The donations of money and supplies are provided

by sponsors and individuals.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Columbus Parks and Recreation provides a site, staff, firing bowls, and

administration of the program. The donations of money and supplies are provided

by sponsors and individuals.

Legal Considerations
Approval of Council is requested for this City sponsored event.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing Columbus Parks and Recreation to collect

donations for the Empty Bowl program.

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