
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Go! Transit Capital Program Grant
Planning Department
Adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit an application to the \n \n State Road & Tollway Authority for funding of the Columbus to Atlanta Intercity \n \n Passenger Rail Environmental Study
For the past four years the Mayor's Commission for Passenger Rail has explored

the possibility of establishing high-speed rail between Columbus and Atlanta.

From these efforts, a feasibility study was conducted in 2014 to show that

intercity rail between the two cities was not only doable, but would be

profitable as well. The next to make this project a reality would require an

environmental study of the project. The State Road & Tollway Authority

announced last year that funding for transit related projects would be

available through the sale of bonds ($75 million) at the end of January, 2016.

Discussions have been held with this agency and it has been determined that

these environmental studies would eligible for these funds.
The feasibility of providing high-speed rail between the two communities has

been established by the report that was published February, 2014. In order to

move this project forward and to be eligible for federal funding, and

environmental study must be performed.
Financial Considerations
The State Road & Tollway Authority established this grant program without a

direct requirement for matching funds. The request under this application

would be to fund the environment study at a cost of $6 million. A local match

is not required for this grant program.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City would be under no additional future requirements under this grant.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has approved the form of the application.
Recommendations/ Actions
Adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit an application to the

State Road & Tollway Authority for funding of the Columbus to Atlanta Intercity

Passenger Rail Environmental Study