
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Columbus Fire and EMS Strategic Plan/Standards of Cover Update
Columbus Fire and EMS Department
Approval is requested for approval of the Columbus Department of Fire and \n \n Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plan/Standard of Cover that will be \n \n updated annually. The updated Strategic Plan will be forwarded to the Mayor, \n \n City Council and City Manager?s Office.
Columbus Fire and EMS initially published its first strategic plan in 2002 and

standard of cover in 2012. The Strategic plan was presented to City Council

and adopted March 12, 2002 by Resolution 114-02. The Standards of Cover was

adopted by Council December 4, 2012 by Resolution 350-12
The strategic plan is used to direct the department for future needs and

considerations. The strategic plan is also a required document for our

International Accreditation. The standard of cover document is provided to

serve as Columbus Fire and EMS Standards of Response Coverage Plan. The

purpose of this document is to define the level of service based on a

comprehensive study of the department?s historical performance, community risk

factors and expectations, and existing and proposed deployment strategies.
Financial Considerations
There are no financial obligations.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There is no projected annual fiscal impact.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed this request and approved as to form.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorization is requested for the adoption of the Columbus Fire and Emergency

Management Service annually revised Strategic Plan and Standards of Cover.

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