
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Metropolitan Planning Organization Memorandum of Understanding
Department of Planning
Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding \n \n (MOU) with the Metropolitan Planning Organization to include Chattahoochee \n \n County and to perform \n \n transportation planning activities throughout the Columbus-Phenix City urban \n \n area.
The Transportation Planning Division, which is housed within the Department

performs the planning work that includes items such as the Long Range

Transportation Plan (LRTP), Transportation Improvement Program (TIP),

Alternative Transportation Systems Planning, Site Impact Analysis, Traffic

Modeling Networks, and additional planning activities. The Memorandum of

Understanding outlines the responsibilities of each county government within

the Metropolitan Planning urban area. The Columbus-Phenix City study area

includes the counties of Muscogee and Chattahoochee and Ft. Benning in

Georgia. Lee and Russell counties and Phenix City in Alabama. This MOU needs

to be updated on a regular basis to continue receiving Section 112

transportation planning funds. The last update was done in 1997 and this

update is needed to include Chattahoochee County.
The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study serves as the Metropolitan

Planning Organization (MPO) for the urban area. The Department of Planning is

the designated MPO recipient and project administrator of Section 112

transportation planning funds.
Financial Considerations
Transportation planning funds are received from FHWA, GDOT,

Columbus Consolidated Government. We have a contract that goes before the

Columbus council once a year concerning the funding from FHWA and GDOT along

with the 10% match from the city. ALDOT and Phenix City, Alabama contribute

each year, however the funds are distributed to the state MPO's based on

population and expected growth.

FHWA (80%) $290.000.00

GDOT (10%) 36,250.00

COLS. (10%) 36,250.00

TOTAL $362,500.00

ALDOT & P.C. $ 87,972.00
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study is in compliance with all

applicable planning requirements and certifications necessary in order to

execute this Memorandum of Understanding.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with

the Metropolitan Planning Organization to perform transportation planning

activities throughout the Columbus-Phenix City urban area.

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