
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
MOU Watershed Dam Rehabilitation
Donna W. Newman, Director of Engineering
Approve the Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum \n \n of Understanding (MOU) and Supplemental Agreement No. 6 between the Natural \n \n Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Georgia Soil and Water Conservation \n \n Commission (GSWCC) and the Pine Mountain Soil and Water Conservation District \n \n (District) and the Columbus Consolidated Government (City) for Rehabilitation \n \n of the Dams for Bull Creek Watershed #14 and Bull Creek Watershed #12.
The Federal Government through the Watershed and Flood Protection Act has

recognized the need to upgrade such Structures throughout the country and has

identified funding to assist with such endeavors. Bull Creek Watershed #14 and

#12 were constructed in the early 1960's with the agreement the City would own

and operate/maintain them. The purpose of the MOU is to have the commitment

to the Watershed Rehabilitation Program and outlines the roles and

responsibilities between NRCS and the sponsoring organizations (GSWCC,

District, City).
The two Watershed Structures Dams, while well maintained, do not meet the

current standards. The MOU can be terminated at any point with a 30 day

Financial Considerations
The cost commitment for this phase is a 65% for NRCS and 35% for the Sponsors

with in kind services being applied to the match. There has been $260,000

budgeted for each of the Watershed Dams with no additional cost anticipated

from the City. As the project progresses, any financial commitments will be

brought back for Council for approval.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City will continue to own and operate/maintain the Watershed Structures

under its original Operation and Maintenance Agreement.
Legal Considerations
All agreements require Council action.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum

of Understanding (MOU) and Supplemental

Agreement No. 6 with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS),

Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC) and the Pine Mountain

Soil and Water Conservation District (District) and the Columbus Consolidated

Government (City) for Rehabilitation of the Dams for Bull Creek Watershed #14

and Bull Creek Watershed #12

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