
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
No Parking Zone ? Fifth Street
Approval is hereby requested to establish a ?No Parking? ordinance from 6:00 AM \n \n to 9:00 PM on Sundays on both the north and south curbs of Fifth Street \n \n beginning at the east curb of Second Ave and running east to the west curb of \n \n Third Avenue.
Citizens are having a difficult time crossing the street when parked cars block

the mid-block crosswalk between the church parking lot on the north side of

Fifth Street and the entrance to the church on the south side of Fifth Street.

The Fourth Street Baptist Church requested this No Parking zone to improve

safety of the congregation on Sundays.
The proposed parking restriction will only affect property owned by the Fourth

Street Baptist Church. There is adequate off-street parking on the north side

of Fifth St for use during church activities.
Financial Considerations
The cost of the ?No Parking? signs with a time limit plaque would be

approximately $ 125.00 each and will be charged to the Traffic Engineering

Division Operating Budget.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
All No Parking ordinances require approval by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a ?No Parking? ordinance along the above described segment of Fifth


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