
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Macy's "Heart Your Park" Donation
Parks and Recreation
Allow Parks and Recreation to receive a donation in the amount of $250.00 from \n \n Macy?s ?Heart Your Park? to be used for Cooper Creek Park.
Cooper Creek Park was selected for ?Heart Your Park,? a program introduced as

part of Macy?s ?Secret Garden? campaign, that aims to raise awareness and

dollars for local parks across the country. From March 7 to March 31, customers

at Macy?s Peachtree Mall location donated $1 or more at the register, with 100

percent of the donations benefiting Cooper Creek Park. To further spread the

love, Macy?s matched the total customer donation across all stores, dollar for

dollar, up to $250,000 in total.

Parks and Recreation is requesting to receive the donation of $250.00 from the

?Heart Your Park? program to be used for Cooper Creek Park.
Financial Considerations
This will be at no cost to the City as it is a private donation.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the acceptance of this donation.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the donation of $250.00 from Macy?s for the ?Heart Your Park? program

to be used for Cooper Creek Park.

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