
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Booker T. Washington Revitalization - Low Income Housing Tax Credits Endorsement
David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Approve a resolution endorsing the application by the Housing Authority of \n \n Columbus, Georgia/Columbia Residential Partnership to the Georgia department of \n \n Community Affairs for 2014 Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to construct Phase 2- \n \n a multi-family community for families on the north side of the current BTW site \n \n (500 5th Avenue), Columbus, Georgia; and reaffirms that said redevelopment is \n \n in accordance wit the Liberty District Master Plan as approved by Council \n \n Resolution No 230-04.
Council approved the adoption of the Liberty District Master Plan by Resolution

No. 30-04 on June 1, 2004. The revitalization of Booker T. Washington

Apartments (BTW) to include the relocation of all BTW residents, the demolition

of the current 392 severely distressed housing units and the redevelopment of

BTW into a new master planned, mixed income, mixed use community is an integral

component of the Plan. The Housing Authority of Columbus, Georgia was

successful in obtaining 2013 Low-Income Housing Tax Credits for the first phase

of construction of approximately 100 multi-family units of "housing for older

persons" located on the former Chapman Homes site, 3725 Chapman Way.
The second phase of the revitalization of BTW is for the development of

approximately 106 new multi-family rental units on the north half of the

existing BTW property located at 500 5th Avenue. The Plan has been presented

to the residents, stakeholders and the community at large. The City is

committed to the implementation of the Plan and the revitalization of BTW and

has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with HACG dated May 31, 2013

agreeing to contribute a total of $2.5 million into the project.
Financial Considerations
Pam - Please complete this section.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Pam - Please complete this section.
Legal Considerations
Approval of this resolution requires the affirmative vote of Council
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a resolution endorsing the application by the Housing Authority of

Columbus, Georgia/Columbia Residential Partnership to the Georgia department of

Community Affairs for 2014 Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to construct Phase 2-

a multi-family community for families on the north side of the current BTW site

(500 5th Avenue), Columbus, Georgia; and reaffirms that said redevelopment is

in accordance wit the Liberty District Master Plan as approved by Council

Resolution No 230-04.