
Agenda Item #4

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Insituform Technologies, Inc. Contract Amendment
Engineering Department
Approval is requested for the amendment to the contract with Insituform \n \n Technologies, Inc., in the amount of $132,458 and authorize the reimbursement \n \n to the adjacent property owner at 3400 Hilton Avenue in the amount of $14,684 \n \n for storm drain pipe rehabilitation along Cherokee Avenue and Hilton Avenue.
On June 6, 2006, Council approved a resolution (Resol #227-06 ) for an

emergency contract with Insituform Technologies for rehabilitation of storm

drains along Cherokee Avenue.
Rehabilitation is needed for additional lines along Cherokee Avenue as well as

through some private properties on Hilton Avenue. In 2000, Dr. Max Burr

expended funds to have the storm drain line that emanates from a public and

private drainage problem at 3301 Cathryn Drive rehabilitated. The former City

Manager, Carmen Cavezza, committed to Dr. Burr that after the court proceeding

regarding the Cathryn Drive case, if the City was found responsible, he would

be reimbursed for his expenses.
Financial Considerations
Funds are available in the 2003A Lease Revenue Bond.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
City Attorney has reviewed this request and agrees with the expenditures as

well as the reimbursement to Dr. Burr.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the amendment to contract with Insituform Technologies, Inc. in the

amount of $132,458 and authorize the reimbursement to the adjacent property

owner at 3400 Hilton Avenue in the amount of $14,684 for storm drain pipe

rehabilitation along Cherokee Avenue and Hilton Avenue.

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