
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Request of Billy Fowler for removal of two properties - 2047 Wynnton Road & 1211 Peacock Avenue - from the Wynnton Village Historic District
Will Johnson, Chief, Planning Department
BHAR and the Planning Department have recommended denial of removal of \n \n properties from the Wynnton Village Historic District.
In 2001, Council adopted seven new historic districts, including Wynnton

Village. Billy Fowler, owner of the two aforementioned properties, has been in

this district since it's adoption. His properties are on the edge of the

district, near or at the intersection of Wynnton Road and Peacock Avenue. The

property at 2047 Wynnton Road has been a detective agency for many years and is

zoned GC (General Commercial). Mr. Fowler has stated several times that the

historic designation hinders his ability to conduct his business as well as his

wife's business, which is located at 1211 Peacock Avenue. Further impact has

been placed on his Wynnton property by the Peacock Avenue-Brown Avenue

realignment project. Part of his property will be taken for the realignment.

In 2005, Mr. Fowler asked Planning staff how he could get out of the district.

He was informed that he would have to follow the same process that was used to

designate the district. In 2006 Mr. Fowler decided to pursue the process upon

learning that portable signs are not allowed in a historic district. He has

simultaneously asked to be removed from the district and be allowed to have a

portable sign. The BHAR denied both requests. The pursuit of district removal

has been forwarded to Council, where final decision rests. The portable sign

issue has been appealed to BZA. On July 12 BZA denied the sign. Mr. Fowler

will appeal that decision to Council on July 18.
Per Jennifer Lewis, Certified Local Government Coordinator with UGA Center for

Community Design & Preservation: If a property owner is asking to be removed

from a local district, or de-designated, the same process and criteria that was

used to determine its eligibility for designation should be used to assess its

continued eligibility. Perhaps the property has changed such that it doesn't

meet the criteria for inclusion, but owner opinion is not one of those

Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The Council must approve any reduction in the historic districts by ordinance.
Recommendations/ Actions
BHAR and the Planning Department have recommended denial of removal of

properties from the Wynnton Village Historic District.