
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Collecting Donations for a Community Garden at Gallops Senior Center
Parks and Recreation
Authorize the Columbus Parks and Recreation to accept donations in the form of \n \n gift certificates, check, cash and/or labor from sponsors and individuals for \n \n the purpose of building and maintaining a Garden of Giving at Gallops Senior \n \n Center.
The main concept of this garden at Gallops Senior Center is to give veterans

dealing with PTSD a therapeutic activity. It will be called the Garden of

Giving. The harvest will be used by the seniors at Gallops and any and all

organizations and individuals are welcome.
This garden will be used for the seniors and community that utilize Gallops

Senior Center.
Financial Considerations
Columbus Parks and Recreation provides a site, staff, and administration of

each programs. The donations of money and supplies are provided by sponsors and

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
None is expected.
Legal Considerations
Approval of Council is requested for these City Sponsored events and programs.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing Columbus Parks and Recreation to collect

donations for The Garden of Giving at Gallops Senior Center.

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