
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Sanitary Sewer Easement for Kemira Chemicals, Inc.
Department of Engineering
Approval is requested to enter into an agreement with Kemira Chemicals, Inc. \n \n and the Development Authority of Columbus, Georgia for a 20' wide sanitary \n \n sewer easement across Canal Street and other properties.
Kemira Chemicals Inc. had to replace a sanitary sewer that services their

facilities and tie to the public system owned by the Columbus Water Works

across Bull Creek. In order to this they had to cross Canal Street. Portions

of the property are owned by the City of Columbus and other portions owned by

the Development Authority of Columbus, Georgia.
Kemira Chemicals Inc. has already performed the work under the proper permits

but desires to obtain a permanent easement for future maintenance needs and

property records. The Development Authority has already agreed to the

easement but desires to wait on Council approval for final execution.
Financial Considerations
The ongoing maintenance of the sanitary sewer will be at the expense of Kemira

Chemicals, Inc.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
None for the City.
Legal Considerations
The agreement requires Council authorization.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement

with Kemira Chemicals, Inc. and the Development Authority of Columbus, Georgia

for a 20' wide sanitary sewer easement across Canal Street and other


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