
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Resurfacing Services Contract 15-1
Department of Engineering
The City Manager is authorized to procure resurfacing services from Robinson \n \n Paving Company in the amount of $2,084,976.64 on various city streets as \n \n identified from the City's Pavement Management System.
Resolution No. 365-13 authorized the City Manager to purchase general road

repair services on an "as needed" basis from Robinson Paving Company. The

Department of Engineering has identified streets in the Pavement Management

System that need to be resurfaced.
Resurfacing/Road Improvements was identified as one of the approved

expenditures for use of the TSPLOST Discretionary Funds.
Financial Considerations
The estimated cost for resurfacing is $2,084, 976.64
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Resurfacing is budgeted annually each year in the Capital Improvement Program

from various funds.
Legal Considerations
Council requested all expenditures from the TSPLOST Discretionary Funds be

approved prior to expending funds.
Recommendations/ Actions
The City Manager is authorized to procure resurfacing services from Robinson

Paving Company in the amount of $2,084,976.64 on various city streets as

identified from the City's Pavement Management System.

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