
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

Mayor and Council
Once Per Week Household Waste Collection
Ronald E. Smith
Adopt a Resolution changing the services of collecting household garbage to \n \n one (1) time per week in Columbus, Georgia, overriding the current Resolution \n \n Number 265-94, which calls for collection of household garbage service two \n \n times per week. The change shall begin on a date to be set by the Columbus \n \n council and; \n \n \n \n This resolution shall adjust the schedule for collection days for normal \n \n household garbage collection, recycling, yard waste, limbs and bulky waste so \n \n that those items shall be picked up on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday \n \n unless incases of emergency or natural disaster.
The Integrated Waste Fund is an Enterprise Fund, which is set up to support

various operations of Waste Management. These operations include setting aside

funds for operation, closure and post closure care of existing landfills; post

closure care and monitoring of already closed landfills; collection and proper

disposal of waste including household waste, recycled material, yard waste,

limbs and bulky waste; payment of certain annual fees to the Georgia Department

of Natural Resources; maintenance and replacement of landfill equipment and

waste collection equipment as needed; payment of salaries of landfill and

waste collection personnel. The current revenue generated from the monthly

garbage collection fee and tipping fee is not able to support all the

activities listed here in.

The current collection days are of Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The

Monday collection day conflicts with up to five (5) annual holidays which are

celebrated on Monday. The substitution of Wednesday as a collection day instead

of Monday will eliminate this conflict and the resulting heavy schedule from

missing a normal collection day.
The Integrated Waste Budget, which is currently supported by a $14 per month

plus tipping fees, is unable to fund all the necessary requirements of the

fund. The current rate of $14 per month has been in effect since July 1, 2001.

While revenue has increased about 4% since 2001 and expenses have increased

over 50%.
Financial Considerations
In order to sustain the service provided by the Integrated Waste Fund the

Council of Columbus will need to reduce services to the extent that the

expenses fall within the generated fund.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The Integrated Waste Fund is required by Georgia State Law, House Bill 1394 to

set aside money collected from the monthly revenue exclusively for mandated

payments to the state and landfill closure/post closure care. In addition, the

revenue is required to pay for all collection, equipment replacement, salaries

and benefits of employees and other operational expenses of the landfills and

waste collection division.
Recommendations/ Actions
Adopt the proposed resolution that will change the service of collecting

household garbage to one (1) time per week in Columbus, Georgia and adjust the

schedule for collection days for normal household garbage collection,

recycling, yard waste, limbs and bulky waste so that all normal collection of

these items will be done on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each


Once Per Week Garbage Collection

Public Hearing Comments and Surveys

Public Hearing August 7, 2008 15

Public Hearing August 12, 2008 20

Comments: Total Over the Phone 37


Survey: August 7, 2008 Public Hearing 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Option 1 Year Round Once Per Week Pick Up 6 3 1 3

Option 2 Winter/Summer Plan 5 6 1 1

Option 3 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up 4 2 5 3

Option 4 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up w/ Rate Increase 0 3 4 5

Survey: August 12, 2008 Public Hearing 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Option 1 Year Round Once Per Week Pick Up 7 3 3 3

Option 2 Winter/Summer Plan 7 1 5 0

Option 3 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up 4 6 0 2

Option 4 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up w/ Rate Increase 3 0 1 7

Phone Surveys 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Option 1 Year Round Once Per Week Pick Up 11 3 1 11

Option 2 Winter/Summer Plan 5 7 10 1

Option 3 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up 15 4 5 0

Option 4 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up w/ Rate Increase 6 11 2 8

Public Hearing Survey Totals 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Option 1 Year Round Once Per Week Pick Up 24 9 5 17

Option 2 Winter/Summer Plan 17 14 16 2

Option 3 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up 23 12 10 5

Option 4 Continue Twice Per Week Pick Up w/ Rate Increase 9 14 7 20

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