
Agenda Item #3

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
MOA with Georgia EPD for floodplain mapping
Engineering Department
Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the \n \n Georgia Environmental Protection Division for floodplain mapping for \n \n Columbus-Muscogee County.
The Columbus Consolidated Government has been utilizing Flood Insurance Rate

Maps (FIRMs) and a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) that were effective over 13

years ago (May 3, 1993). The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD)

has been delegated the responsibility (by FEMA, through a Cooperative Technical

Partnership) of developing new FIRMs and FISs for each of Georgia?s 159

counties. This delegated task is also called the Map Modernization Program

(Map Mod).

The Department of Engineering has facilitated the development of these new and

improved FIRMs by providing GaEPD?s engineering consultant, PBS&J, with our

2004 aerial photography and 2-foot contour topography.

Using the information provided by CCG, PBS&J will apply the previous FIRM model

data to our 2004 topography (as opposed to its application to the 1970?s

topography used in the 1993 FIRMs). This application will provide the City a

more accurate set of flood plain maps with which both planning and engineering

decisions can be made. In addition, 23.7 miles of floodplains will be

redelineated and 3.4 miles of streams will be studied in limited detail.
The Columbus Consolidated Government?s Departments of Engineering and Planning

have been making decisions for land use partially based on FIRMs and a FIS that

is over 13 years old (when the 1993 flood maps were developed they were drawn

on 5 or 10-foot contour maps). In this time of growth we are experiencing,

newer and more accurate FIRMs will provide the City with a 21st Century tool

(deliverable FIRMs will be in a digital format, completely compatible with our

existing GIS systems) to make the most informed planning and engineering

decisions for our community in the future.
Financial Considerations
Costs for this project are being provided entirely by Georgia EPD.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
A MOA with Georgia EPD is required to effectively manage the Columbus-Muscogee

County Map Modernization Project. Subsequent to the FIRMs revision and

approval (based on comments received from the City and citizens), adoption of

these FIRMs and the FIS by the Council of Columbus, Georgia will be required.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum

of Agreement with the Georgia EPD for floodplain mapping for Columbus-Muscogee


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