
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Support for Continuum of Care
David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Authorize a resolution in support of the City participating in the \n \n establishment of a local Continuum of Care in accordance with the Homeless \n \n Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Continuum of Care Program \n \n as adopted in 24 CRF Part 578.
The City has participated in a Continuum of Care Program in previous years.

This organization has primarily served as a mechanism to apply for federal

funds for local agencies providing services to the homeless or disadvantaged

families. Local agencies have received in excess of $1 million annually in

funding through this program in the past The adoption of the HEARTH Act

codifies in law the Continuum of Care planning process, by providing greater

coordination in responding to the needs of the homeless and directs HUD to

promulgate regulations for these new programs and processes. Under the new

regulations the Continuum of Care program is designed to promote community wide

goals to end homelessness: provide funding to quickly rehouse homeless

individuals and families while minimizing trauma and dislocation to those

persons; promote access to, and effective utilization of, mainstream programs;

and optimize self sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing

homelessness. The program is composed of transitional housing, permanent

supportive housing for disabled persons, permanent housing, supportive

services, and reporting through the Homeless Management Information System

The new regulations require communities to have established a Continuum of Care

Program and have a Board of Directors in place by August 30, 2014 and to meet

other regulatory deadlines later in the year in order to maintain eligibility

to apply for grant funding of the Continuum. The City has actively

participated in the past with the Continuum by providing funding through the

Homeless Resource Network to manage the local HMIS reporting and application

for Continuum funding to local agencies. The local Continuum of Care will be

guided by a Governance Charter created by local providers and stakeholders.
Financial Considerations
There is no direct financial impact to the City but failure to comply with the

regulations will result in numerous local agencies not receiving federal funds

to provide services to the homeless and disadvantaged families.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize a resolution in support of the City participating in the

establishment of a local Continuum of Care in accordance with the Homeless

Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Continuum of Care Program

as adopted in 24 CRF Part 578.