
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Transportation Enhancement Funds for Trees Columbus, Inc.
Planning Department
Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with \n \n TreesColumbus, Inc., for the acceptance of Transportation Enhancement funds \n \n from the Georgia Department of Transportation.
The Georgia Department of Transportation has awarded Trees Columbus, Inc.,

through it s sponsor the Columbus Consolidated Government, a grant for

$1,000,000 The grant is for Phase II of the overall program to improve the

streetscape and landscaping for Veterans Parkway, from Victory Drive to 13th

Street. The match requires a 20 percent match ($200,000), which will be the

sole responsibility of Trees Columbus. The match is to be used to assist in

the overall design of this project. Prior to the issuance of any grant

dollars, these funds must be expended and the general design of the

streetscapes for the roadway approved by the City and the Georgia Department of

The project was initiated by Trees Columbus, Inc., and calls for the placement

of streetscape and landscape materials along Veterans Parkway. This project

will enhance one of the major gateways in the city, with considerations

towards future roadway improvements for Veterans Parkway. The process will

require public meetings and discussions as this plan is developed over the next

several months.

Financial Considerations
The total grant amount awarded to Trees Columbus, Inc., and the City is

$1,000,000 dollars for this project. The 20 percent match is the sole

responsibility of Trees Columbus, Inc., and will be required to be expended on

consultant services, prior to the use of the grant amount.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
A Memorandum of Understanding will be required between Trees Columbus, Inc.,

and the City. The proposed MOU identifies the need to expend the money for the

consultant services and how payment for consultant services is to be

accomplished. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved this MOU.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested for the acceptance of Transportation Enhancement funds

from the Georgia Department of Transportation, amend the Multi-Governmental

fund by alike amount, and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Trees

Columbus, Inc., that establishes the procedures and expectations of the grant.

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