
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
2016 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Community Awareness Projects Funding Opportunity
District Attorney/Victim-Witness Assistance Program
Approval is requested to authorize the District Attorney?s Victim-Witness \n \n Assistance Program to accept a grant for $5,000 from the National Association \n \n of VOCA Assistance Administrators, in cooperation with the Office for Victims \n \n of Crime. At least 60 communities throughout the nation will be awarded up to \n \n $5,000 each in reimbursement for approved NCVRW public awareness activities \n \n through the NCVRW Community Awareness Project. If approved, the local \n \n Victim-Witness Assistance Program will utilize the funds to hold specific \n \n events aimed at reaching the public to raise awareness of services for victims \n \n while also bringing attention to general information of NCVRW. It is \n \n recommended that the Multi-Governmental Fund be amended by the amount of the \n \n award, if approved.
In July of 1989, the Office of the District Attorney began operating a Crime

Victim Assistance Program. Over the years, the program has expanded to serve

the 6 counties within the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit. Successful grant

allocations since that time have allowed the program to grow to a current staff

of 8 full-time victim advocates and 1 part-time victim advocate.
April 10-17, 2016 is designated as National Crime Victims? Rights Week and the

DA/Victim-Witness Assistance Program plans to raise awareness of the Crime

Victims? Bill of Rights as well as the services offered by their office by

holding events open to the public. It is recommended that the

Multi-Governmental Fund be amended by the amount of the award, if approved. The

funds will be used to purchase promotional items such as Frisbees, pens,

pencils, coasters, tablecloths, posters, brochures, bookmarks and palm cards;

all using the specified artwork recommended by the grant provider.
Financial Considerations
: This is a reimbursement grant with specific guidelines to follow. There is

no cash match and no In-Kind Match. Reimbursement packet is to be submitted

after event for approval and payment.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There will be no fiscal impact as a result of awarding this grant.
Legal Considerations
Georgia Law requires the District Attorney provide extensive services,

information and notification to crime victims. (O.C.G.A.-17-17-1) The District

Attorney is solely and directly responsible for complying with this law as

mandated by the Victims? Bill of Rights. Any opportunity to provide

notification of our services to the public is a form of compliance and serves

as additional outreach.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize acceptance of a grant in the amount of $5,000 from the National

Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators, in cooperation with the Office

for Victims of Crime. The funding is in the form of a one-time reimbursement

grant to the DA Victim-Witness Assistance Program which requires no cash match

and which allows the office to promote the general public?s awareness of the

Crime Victims? Bill of Rights in conjunction with NCVRW. It is recommended

that the Multi-Governmental Fund be amended by the amount of the award, if


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