
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Signal at Macon Road/Citizens Way
Donna Newman, Director of Engineering
Authorize the City Manager to submit an application to Georgia Department of \n \n Transportation (GDOT) for installation of a signal and other improvements to \n \n provide proper accommodations for pedestrian crossings and improve vehicular \n \n left turn movement at the intersection of Macon Road (SR22) and Citizens Way.
A traffic study was performed by GDOT to evaluate the intersection for

pedestrian accommodations across Macon Road (SR 22) and improve access for

left turning vehicles onto Citizens Way. There have been several public

facilities constructed over the last 10 years to include a recently opened

school that has increased both pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the area.
From 2012-2016 there have been 28 crashes that have occurred within the

intersection area. Twelve of these were determined to be intersection related

crashes. Several alternatives were considered to reduce the number of crashes

and provide protection for pedestrians desiring to cross the road. A traffic

signal utilizing the existing RCUT maneuver was determined to be the best

alternative to provide proper accommodations for pedestrians crossing Macon

Road (SR 22). The traffic signal could reduce crashes for vehicles turning

left onto Citizen's Way and would operate as a 2-phase signal. GDOT

recommended a stop and go signal be installed at this intersection. Crosswalks

and a refuge island will also be installed on Macon Road (SR22) to accommodate

pedestrian crossings.
Financial Considerations
There is no cost to the City for construction.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City will take on the responsibility of operation and maintenance of the

signal upon completion.
Legal Considerations
Requesting Council concurrence prior to send application.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to submit an application to Georgia Department of

Transportation (GDOT) for installation of a signal and other improvements to

provide proper accommodations for pedestrian crossings and improve vehicular

left turn movement at the intersection of Macon Road (SR22) and Citizens Way.

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