
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant
Juvenile Drug Court
Approval is requested to submit and if approved accept a grant in the amount of \n \n $35,891or the approved amount from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of \n \n Justice Programs for the operation of a Juvenile Drug Court Program and to \n \n authorize the transfer of $11,964.00 from the general fund for the local match \n \n and to amend the Multi-governmental fund by the total amount of the grant as \n \n awarded.
Beginning in 1999, the Columbus Juvenile Court became actively interested in

combating teen drug use in the area through a Juvenile Drug Court Initiative.

The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice made grant funds available for the

collaborative team from Muscogee County to visit operating juvenile drug courts

in the region and to attend training sessions on a national level. The team

was comprised of representatives from the Courts, the Public Defender's Office,

District Attorney's Office, the Muscogee County School District and Drug and

Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Treatment specialists.

In 2000, the Muscogee County Juvenile Court began a pilot program Juvenile Drug

Court. The pilot program was an opportunity to develop a model for a Muscogee

County Juvenile Drug Court. This model proved quite successful for the few

juveniles who participated in the pilot.

In February 2001, the City Council approved a resolution authorizing the

Muscogee County Juvenile Court to apply for federal funds in order to implement

a Juvenile Drug Court.

On September 1, 2001, the Muscogee County Juvenile Court was awarded

$473,857.00 in federal funds to implement a Juvenile Drug Court, one of the

largest awards in the nation that year. Approximately $125,00.00 was provided

from the Juvenile Drug Court Team members, the Columbus Consolidated Government

and the local business community in the form of an In-Kind match.

Since becoming fully operational, the Juvenile Drug Court has provided drug

court services for 408 youth with drug and alcohol problems. Findings reflect

an 87%decrease in the number of offending juvenile drug court participants.

There has been a dramatic drop in the number of adjudicated offenses with

active participation in drug court. Having graduated 195 participants,

amazingly only 8% have re-offended. The positive impact on the families served

is immeasurable. Parents who feared for their children now have hopes for a

bright future.

The federal funding for this grant has allowed the Juvenile Court to hire a

part-time Drug Court Director, two case managers and a part-time administrative

assistant dedicated to the Juvenile Drug Court. It has also paid treatment,

individual/family counseling, tutoring and random drug screens for the program.

The Juvenile Drug Court in Columbus is truly a collaborative effort fully

involving the Juvenile Court, the Public Defender's office, the District

Attorney's Office, Probation Services, the Police Department, the Muscogee

County School District, Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Prevention and Treatment

specialists, local businesses and families.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Juvenile Programs provides these

grant funds for funding to Georgia to enforce state and local controlled

substance laws and to improve the criminal justice system, with and emphasis on

reduction of violent crime, illegal drugs, and other serious offenses. The

Columbus Juvenile Drug Court would like to apply for the Edward Byrne Memorial

Grant in the amount of $35,891.00 with a cash match of $11,964.00. This

funding would be for the operation of the Juvenile Drug Court.
The Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court has had a positive effect on the

juveniles and families served in particular and the community at-large in

general by reducing juvenile drug use, juvenile criminal activity and

encouraging participants to become productive members of society. As one of

the original Juvenile Drug Courts in the State of Georgia, the status of the

Muscogee County Juvenile Court is raised. The citizens of Columbus can be

proud of the work their community is doing to ensure children have the

opportunity to live up to their full potential.

Federal funds will be used to provide for the continuation of services through

the Juvenile Drug Court. A required cash match of $11,964.00 will be required

to maintain the program at the present level. The Edward Byrne Memorial Grant

begins on July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. The application deadline is May

4, 2007.
Financial Considerations
The Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, requires an

$11,964 cash match. This match will be funded from the General Fund.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The Columbus Consolidated Government has been notified of its eligibility to

receive these funds. The Edward Byrne Memorial Grant does not hold the City of

Columbus responsible for any financial liability past the grant period.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to submit and if approved accept a grant from the

Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs for $35,981.00, or the

amount awarded/approved amount by the grant for the operation of a Juvenile

Drug Court Program and amend the Multi-Governmental Fund by a like amount.

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