
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Additional Services- Buena Vista Road, Illges Road to Wynnton Road (Spiderweb Network) - TIA
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an additional \n \n services agreement with Wolverton and Associates for preliminary engineering to \n \n add the section of Buena Vista Road between Illges Road and Wynnton Road as \n \n part of the Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Buena Vista Road Spiderweb \n \n project
The initial "Spiderweb" project was approved under the 2012 Transportation

Improvement Act. On December 2, 2014, Council authorized the agreement between

the city and Wolverton and Associates for improvement of the section of Buena

Vista Road. Council at that time was briefed on several possible

transportation improvements to help accommodate the moving of traffic safely

through this area. The option chosen at that meeting called for Buena Vista

Road to be diverted underneath that section of Norfolk Southern Railway that

crosses this road. Since that meeting, Wolverton has identified a cost savings

that will build a small bridge over the rail line, instead of an underpass.

The cost savings will allow the project to be expanded to develop a three lane

road along Buena Vista Road from Illges Road to Wynnton Road. The Georgia

Department of Transportation has agreed to this additional work.
By changing the design from an underpass to a bridge over the rail line, the

cost savings will provide for needed improvements along this section of Buena

Vista Road.
Financial Considerations
The original contract amount for the preliminary engineering for the

"Spiderweb" area is $1,242,700. The cost for adding the Buena Vista Road

corridor is $$598,487, bring the total amount for both projects to $1,841,187.

Funds are budgeted under the TIA program for this project.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
No annual fiscal impact is anticipated for this professional service.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed and approved this proposal.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an additional

services agreement with Wolverton and Associates for preliminary engineering to

add the section of Buena Vista Road between Illges Road and Wynnton Road as

part of the Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Buena Vista Road Spiderweb
