
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
South Columbus Multi-Use Trail ? Phase II ? Pedestrian Crossing at Victory Drive
Planning Department
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a \n \n supplemental agreement with Heath Lineback Engineering for the design of a new \n \n pedestrian bridge across Victory Drive to serve the proposed new South Lumpkin \n \n Trail.
Under the Transportation Improvement Act (TIA), the city is developing the new

South Lumpkin Road Multi-Use Trail. The trail will run from Cusseta Road to

the Fort Benning border. As part of the development of this trail, a

pedestrian bridge will need to be constructed over Victory Drive to provide

safe passage. Funding for the trail itself will come from TIA funds. The new

pedestrian bridge will be constructed under additional funding from a High

Priority Projects (HPP) grant. Heath Linebeck is the engineering consultants

on this main portion of this project and requires a supplemental agreement to

perform the design work needed for this bridge.
Construction of the pedestrian bridge is a necessary component to insure the

safety those using the trail crossing Victory Drive.
Financial Considerations
The proposed cost for the design work is $128,784, which will be used as the

twenty percent match for this HPP grant. Funding is available under the city

Enterprise Zone program.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There will be no annual fiscal impact as this cost is for design work only.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed the supplemental agreement and has approved it

as to form.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a

supplemental agreement with Heath Lineback Engineering for the design of a new

pedestrian bridge across Victory Drive to serve the proposed new South Lumpkin
