
Agenda Item #4

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Crisis Intervention Team Grant
Finance Department
Approval is requested to submit an application and if approved, accept funds \n \n from the Bureau of Justice Assistance for a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) for \n \n pre-booking diversion program for individuals with mental illness. Request \n \n that the Multi-Govermental Fund be amended by $250,000 or the amount granted \n \n from the grantor. Request approval of New Horizons to act as the sole source \n \n vendor in the implementation of this grant.
The State of Georgia has mandateded that CIT be adopted statewide by the end of

2007. The purpose of this program is to increase public safety through

innovative cross-system collaboration for individuals with mental illness who

come in contact with the criminal or juvenile justice systems. This program

is modeled after the system used in Memphis, Tennessee which has been very

successful in diverting non-violent persons with mental illness from the jail

into treatment. The goal of the program is to reduce the number of persons

with mental illness who are booked in jail, reduce officer time in making

arrests, and reduce the possibility of officer injury through using

de-escalation techniques targeted toward persons with mental illness.
This grant will enable the City of Columbus to begin the process for this new

mandate. Training opportunities will be made available to public safety

personnel to asssit in the treatment of persons with mental illnesses.
Financial Considerations
The grant requires a 20% match, which will be supplied by the sole source

vendor and partner in this program, New Horizons.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested to submit an application and if approved, accept funds

from the Bureau of Justice Assistance for a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) for

pre-booking diversion program for individuals with mental illness. Request

that the Multi-Govermental Fund be amended by $250,000 or the amount granted

from the grantor. Request approval of New Horizons to act as the sole source

vendor in the implementation of this grant.

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