
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
2016 Historic Preservation Fund CLG Survey & Planning Grant Application
Planning Department
The Planning Department recommends that Council approve the proposed resolution \n \n to apply for and accept, if awarded, a State Historic Preservation grant, and \n \n to amend the Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of the award. The Planning \n \n Department has requested a maximum of $20,000 regarding the aforementioned \n \n grant.
The Planning Department staff, with the assistance of the Preservation Planner

at the Historic Columbus Foundation, applied for State Historic Preservation

Grant Funds. The purpose of the application is to update the City?s Uptown

Facade Board Design Guidelines. The last guidelines were established in 2000.

Through a public-private partnership, Historic Columbus Foundation, Inc. has

agreed to provide the necessary cash matching funds (40%). The City?s grant

application is currently pending at the Historic Preservation Division office.

The grant and matching funds will be used to hire a consultant to produce the

Design Guidelines and publish the finished product.
The last update of the Design Guidelines was completed in August, 2000. Since

that time, Uptown Columbus has had significant development throughout the

Uptown area and Columbus State University has established itself as a major

developer in the area. The current guidelines are general in nature and

professional preservation staff has been able to interpret them for new

significant developments.

In addition, by updating the information in the Design Guidelines and making

the document easier to use, Columbus will strengthen the preservation program

and will make the preservation information easier to access and current to

affected property owners.
Financial Considerations
In light of budget constraints, staff applied for the grant funds to accomplish

this project and coordinated a public-private partnership with Historic

Columbus Foundation, Inc. (HCF). HCF agreed to provide the necessary matching

funds (estimated maximum of $8,000). The City?s contribution to this effort

will be staff time to coordinate the project and administer the grant. This

can be completed with current staff levels.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
No annual fiscal impact to the City of Columbus regarding this grant.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney?s office will review any and all documentation prior to

execution by the City Manager.
Recommendations/ Actions
The Planning Department staff recommends that the Council adopts the proposed

resolution that will accept awarded state grant funds.