
Agenda Item #1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Old Flat Rock Road
City Manager's Office
Approval is requested to execute a Quit Claim Deed to the James J. Kelly and \n \n Graciela R. Kelly, owners of adjacent property, (see attached map and letter), \n \n for the western one-half (1/2) abandoned road bed, at the junction of Bullet \n \n Boulevard and Flat Rock Road, in Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia.
In 2000, Ordinance no. 00-100 deleted this section of Flat Rock Road from the

official street map, after a road widening project, "The street segment and

rights-of-way of Flat Rock Road beginning at the north right-of-way line of

Bullet Boulevard and running northerly to the south right-of-way line of

Manchester Expressway ". The eastern 30 feet of "Parcel B", was abandoned to

the adjacent property owner of "Parcel A", George C. Woodruff Co. In order to

transfer title to the reminder of the road bed, a Resolution authorizing a Quit

Claim Deed be executed from the City to the adjacent property owners. is

needed. The property to be Quit Claimed is marked with X's, on attached map.
The City previously deleted the eastern 30 feet of "Parcel B" to the adjacent

property owner. The remainder of the property will be transferred by Quit

Claimed to the adjacent property owners. The City has no claim or interest to

said property.
Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the execution of a Quit Claim Deed. Transfer will be

subject to reservation of all existing utility easements of record, known and

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Quit

Claim Deed to the adjacent property owner(s) of the previously abandoned

portion of Flat Rock Road.

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