
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Supplemental Agreement #1, Fort Benning Streetscape - Shelby Street to Wade Street
Planning Department
Adopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a supplemental \n \n agreement for additional scope of work and fee to complete the final plans and \n \n construction documents for the addition of a 12 foot wide multi-use trail for \n \n the Fort Benning Streetscapes project.
The city is currently finalizing plans for locally funded streetscapes project

along Fort Benning Road, from Shelby Street to Wade Street. Prior to the

completion of these plans, the Planning Department has been asked to consider

the construction of a 12 foot wide multi-use trail along this roadway.
The addition of this multi-use trail would accommodate bicyclist, joggers, as

well as pedestrians. It would also promote connections to the city's new Follow

Me Trail.
Financial Considerations
The original engineering cost for this project is $2,000,000. This

supplemental agreement would increase this amount to by $150,000. Funds are

available under 0559-800-2160-BARS.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There are no anticipated annual fiscal impact with this supplemental agreement.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has no issues with this agreement.
Recommendations/ Actions
Adopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a supplemental

agreement for additional scope of work and fee to complete the final plans and

construction documents for the addition of a 12 foot wide multi-use trail for

the Fort Benning Streetscapes project.