
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Reduction of Lanes-13th Street Corridor
Donna Newman, Director of Engineering
Approve the attached resolution in support and recommendation of permanent \n \n re-striping by Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) of SR22/13th Street, \n \n from 7 lanes to 5 lanes between SR 1/Veterans Parkway and 10th Avenue and from \n \n 5 lanes to 3 lanes between 10th Avenue and 13th Avenue
Staff has been working with Midtown Inc. on an effort to improve connections

between Midtown and Uptown. A Knight Foundation Grant was awarded for the

Minimum Grid Project which goal was to improve public spaces and improve

mobility within the core community. The aim is to improve connectivity for

drivers, pedestrians, cyclist, transit riders, etc. One of the primary routes

identified was the 13th Street Corridor. Phase I began with implementing a

road diet from 13th Avenue to Cherokee Avenue including bike lanes and

improving pedestrian crossings. This had made a tremendous difference in the

viability of this area. GDOT has a project to resurface/restripe SR22/13Th

Street to Macon Road/185. Discussions between GDOT, City Staff and Midtown,

Inc. began about the possibility to implement a road diet and improve the

corridor in accordance with the Minimum Grid Project. The GDOT also have plans

to make other improvements along the corridor to improve pedestrian/ada

It was recommended a test would be in order to determine the potential impacts

with reducing the lanes from 7 lanes to 5 lanes across the viaduct and from 5

lanes to 3 lanes between 10th Avenue and 13th Avenue . A permit was obtained

from GDOT for the temporary lane closures. The lane were closed from May 11,

2017 to May 31, 2017. Several members of staff, GDOT and Midtown and others

drove through the area during peak times to monitor traffic and delays.

Results from travel time studies from GDOT, experienced by staff, the public

determined the delays were minimal and in most cases less than a minute. If

the road diet is fully implemented other elements would be incorporated to

improve traffic flow in the area, i.e adjustment of signal timings, additional

signs and markings to clearly delineate lane drops, etc. Also, overall traffic

patterns would change with some travelers choosing under utilized alternate

Financial Considerations
The cost of resurfacing and re-striping would be the responsibility of GDOT.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There are no additional fiscal impacts identified.
Legal Considerations
GDOT is asking for recommendation and support from the City.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached resolution in support and recommendation of permanent

re-striping by Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) of SR22/13th Street,

from 7 lanes to 5 lanes between SR 1/Veterans Parkway and 10th Avenue and from

5 lanes to 3 lanes between 10th Avenue and 13th Avenue

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