
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Western End of South Stadium Drive deleting as a public street
Approve the attached Ordinance deleting a segment of South Stadium Drive from \n \n west dead-end east a distance of 166.83 feet as a public street and authorizing \n \n disposal in accordance with the City Code.
Tommy Davis has constructed The Links apartment complex on the property located

at the west dead-end of South Stadium drive. the apartment complex wants to

improve security and eliminate unauthorized parking on the apartment property

and at the dead-end during school sponsored events. There also exist a

recorded 20' utilities/access easement to The Maple Ridge Golf Complex's

Maintenance Facility.
Tommy Davis, the owner of The Links of Maple Ridge, LLC presented a site plan

that provides a security gate to the apartments and also maintains access to

the Maple Ridge Golf Complex's Maintenance Facility. As part of The Links site

development a modified cul-de-sac was constructed to provide a turn around area

that did not exist before the development. The Links, WC Bradley Company (Maple

Ridge Golf) and the Muscogee County School District were all in agreement to

the modification of the dead-end as indicated by As Built Plans dated

10/11/2006. These improvements enhanced the traffic flow at the western end of

South Stadium Drive and access to and from the rear entrance to Kinnett

Financial Considerations
There will be no financial expenses incurred by the City for quit claiming this

property to the adjacent property owners.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The deletion of a public road segment and declaring said road segment surplus

for disposal requires Council Approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached Ordinance deleting a segment of South Stadium Drive from

west dead-end east a distance of 166.83 feet, as a public street and

authorizing disposal in accordance with the City Code.

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