
Agenda Item #1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Edward Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
Finance Department
Approval is requested to submit an application and if approved accept the \n \n Edward Bryne Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $73,519; conduct a \n \n public hearing for public comments on the projects submitted for the grant \n \n allocation and amend the Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of the \n \n grant.
The Edward Bryne Justice Assistance Grant is the replacement for the Local Law

Enforcement Grant. This grant has slightly different requirements impacting the

type of expenditures that could be purchased with this grant. Secondly, this

grant does not require a local match. Eligible projects for this grant have to

fall in the following categories: Law Enforcement, Prosecution and Court,

Prevention and Education, Correction and Community Correction, Drug Treatment,

and Planning, Evaluation and Technology Improvement Programs.
A committee with representatives from public safety, judicial and general

government met and agreed upon the projects submitted for this grant as

outlined in Attachment A. We are required to have a public hearing for public

Financial Considerations
This grant does not require a local match from the General Fund.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Council before submission must approve grant applications.
Recommendations/ Actions
Accept and approve the Edward Bryne Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of

$73,519; conduct a public hearing for public comments on the projects submitted

for the grant allocation and amend the Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of

the grant.

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