
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Lynch Road - Deleting Street Segment as Public Street
Engineering Department
Approve the attached Ordinance deleting a segment of Lynch Road as a public \n \n street and authorizing disposal in accordance with the City Code.
Lynch Road was segmented by the construction of the Manchester Expressway in

the early 1960's. The northern segment runs from Warm Springs Road south to a

permanent dead end at the north right-of-way line of the Manchester Expressway

as indicated on the attached drawing. Doug and Jeannie Jefcoat have requested

that the city quit claim our rights to the road segment of Lynch Road from

their north property line south the Manchester Expressway north right-of-way

line. They have contacted the other adjoining property owners who have agreed

to quit claim their rights to said road segment.
Traffic Engineering installed Red Diamond signs to indicate the end of this

road segment just south of the Jefcoat driveway several years ago in an attempt

to stop dumping and to stop vehicles from driving onto Manchester Expressway.

Over the years there has been consideration of a new Manchester Expressway

interchange for Lynch Road, but there are no plans at this time. It is

recommended that should this road segment be quit claimed to the Jefcoats that

a Reversionary Clause be included to return said property back to the City

should we need it again for future roadway/interchange improvements. We will

have a resolution on the agenda April 10, 2007 requesting approval for the Quit

Claim Deed.
Financial Considerations
There will be no financial expenses incurred by the City for quit claiming this

property to the Jefcoats.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The deletion of a public road segment and declaring said road segment surplus

for disposal requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached Ordinance deleting a segment of Lynch Road as a public

street and authorizing disposal in accordance with the City Code.

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