
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
North Lake Parkway - No Parking Anytime, Tow-away Zone
Approve an Ordinance establishing a No Parking Anytime, Tow-away Zone along \n \n North Lake Parkway's north and south curbs to include the City's right-of-way \n \n from the east curb of Veterans Parkway east to the dead end of North Lake \n \n Parkway.
North Lake Parkway is a four-lane with median roadway from Veteran Parkway to

Bear Lane and a three-lane roadway from Bear Lane east to its dead end at the

Carl Gregory dealership (see attached aerial photo). The three-lane roadway

design provides left turn access to lots developing along North Lake Parkway

and should handle the traffic volumes at full build-out.

There exists an assortment of commercial developments along this corridor with

all developments meeting the City's minimum standards for off-street parking.

These businesses are very successful to the point of creating a problem with

overflow parking. Hence, the City is receiving complaints of vehicles parking

on the north and south curbs restricting thru traffic plus parking vehicles on

the grass shoulder/right-of-way. Businesses at the end of North Lake Parkway

that require tractor trailer deliveries are having extreme difficulty with

access. Please see the attached photos of parking on street.
This practice of parking on both curbs eliminates two-way traffic with a center

left turn lane and hinders truck traffic. This requires that a No Parking

restriction be enacted to maintain a safe roadway. Hence, the Traffic

Engineering Division mailed a Parking Survey (5/5/08) to all businesses along

North Lake Parkway with a recommendation to make the entire roadway segment:

No Parking Anytime, Tow-away Zone for both the north and south curbs to include

the City right-of-way. We sent out 12 surveys and received 11 responses, see

attached responses. All responses except for two supported some type of

parking restriction.

Two businesses recommended restricting parking on only one side of the street.

For this reason, an Alternate Parking Restriction is attached should Council

wish to consider restricting only one curb instead of both curbs as we

recommend. The Alternate parking restriction is to make only the south curb a

No Parking Anytime, Tow-away Zone to include City right-of-way. To restrict

parking to one side only will require that we grind up most of the existing

pavement markings and restripe a double yellow centerline which will cost the

City $2,330.
Financial Considerations
It will cost about $750 to install a No Parking Anytime, Tow-away signs from

the Traffic Engineering budget.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
All parking restrictions require the approval of Council.

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve an Ordinance establishing a No Parking Anytime, Tow-away Zone along

North Lake Parkway's north and south curbs to include the City's right-of-way

from the east curb of Veterans Parkway east to the dead end of North Lake


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