
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Local Government Project Agreement for an Intelligent Transportation System
Department of Engineering
Approval is requested of the Local Government Project Agreement for \n \n ATMs/Signal/CCTV/Fiber Project 3NH-00TS (47), Muscogee County, P.I. #323000 and \n \n ATMs/GDOT Regional TCC, Project# NH-00TS(48), Muscogee County, P.I. #323005 \n \n between the Georgia Department of Transportation and the City of Columbus, \n \n Georgia.
The Department of Transportation has sent a Local Government Project Agreement

for the City of Columbus to execute, which will introduce an Intelligent

Transportation System with implementation of a Traffic Coordination Center with

all necessary field communications.
This project is in the Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for

construction in FY06.
Financial Considerations
The Department of Transportation of Georgia and the Federal Highway

Administration will pay for the engineering (being designed by the City) and

construction. The City is responsible for Right of Way and Utility Relocation.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney agrees with this action.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the Local Government Project Agreement and all subsequent agreements

necessary to accomplish this project.

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