
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Learn to Swim Grant through AFLAC Foundation
Parks and Recreation
Approval is requested to apply for and if awarded accept a grant in the \n \n approximate amount of $7,848.00 for the first year of award and later amounts \n \n awarded in year two and three of the pilot program from the AFLAC Foundation \n \n through the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley.
The Columbus Aquatic Center Learn to Swim mission is ?To create lifelong

participants in aquatic activities for their health, safety, enjoyment and

career opportunities.? Columbus Parks and Recreation will partner with the

Muscogee County School District to help children in this program develop their

swimming and water safety skills.

The Parks and Recreation Department and the Muscogee County School District

recognize the need for Learn to Swim programs. This funding will be used to

teach kindergarten students the necessary water safety and swimming skills.

Financial Considerations
: This will be at no cost to the City as it is a grant award. This is a three

year pilot program and more funds will be forthcoming in the last two years of

the program. All funding will be used for the Learn to Swim program over the

next three years.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
None is expected.
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the acceptance of this funding
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the request to apply for the grant and if awarded, accept the first

year funds in the amount of $7848.00 and the subsequent amounts awarded in year

two and three of the three year pilot program.

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