
Agenda Item #1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Agenda Report - Georgia Department of Transportation City Right of Way Agreement for a County Contract - Linwood Cemetery
Felton G. Grant, Right of Way Acquisition Coordinator
Approval is requested to execute an agreement between the Georgia Department of \n \n Transportation and the City of Columbus, Georgia for the above referenced \n \n project.
The Georgia Department of Transportation will assist the City of Columbus,

Georgia in a County Contract to resurface Linwood Cemetery, State Aid Project

No. PRC10-S009-00(342), Muscogee County (attached).
The City, on behalf of The Historical Linwood Foundation, has requested State

Aid participation with Georgia D.O.T. in a County Contract for the project

above. To participate on the above mentioned project, the City is asked to

execute the attached agreement.
Financial Considerations
The Georgia Department of Transportation has agreed to pay an estimated amount

of $24,000.00. The Historic Linwood Foundation will pay the balance of the

contracted bid.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney disagrees with the indemnification paragraph, but understands

that the DOT will not change the paragraph. To participate in this program, the

City has to accept it, as does every government entity state-wide.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing execution of the City Right of Way Agreement

and subsequent agreements necessary to implement this project.