Owner Occupied Rehab Partnership with Neighborworks Columbus
Amy Carbajal, Community Reinvestment
Approve the Resolution allowing the City Manager to enter into contract with \n \n Neighborworks Columbus to adminster an Owner Occupied Rehab Program in \n \n consideration of a property donation for their new administrative offices and \n \n authorize the City Manager to convey by Quit Claim Deed the property located at \n \n 601, 605, 609, 611 Veterans Parkway and 311 and 315 Sixth Street to \n \n Neighborworks Columbus for administrative offices.
Neighborworks Columbus has been a valuable partner in the City of Columbus'
efforts to provide affordable housing to the community. They have partnered
with Columbus through the Cottage Program and HOME for many years. Last year,
Neighborworks Columbus stepped up to fill the need for downpayment assistance
to income qualified individuals when the City's HOME funds were depleted. Now,
in response to a need for an Owner Occupied Rehab Program, Neighborwoks
Columbus has proposed to fund a program similar to the City's rehab program.
Neighborworks Columbus will accept the City's lengthy Owner Occupied Rehab and
Project Care waiting lists and prioritize these lists giving preference to
Veterans. Because the funding source is different, it allows Neighborworks to
have more flexibility to expend these funds in a more efficient manner than
HOME dollars have previously allowed. Neighborworks will commit $220,000 in
funding to the project. They have also agreed to use the City's approved
contractor list.
In consideration of administering the rehab program Neighborworks is in need of
a new administrative office location in the downtown area, on a Metra bus
line. City-owned property located at the northwest corner of Veterans Parkwy
and Sixth Street has been identified as a good site for their new office. They
will sell their current location to a for-profit purchaser and build new office
space on this corner. This location is central for a wide range of clients and
it is located on the Metra bus line to accommodate clients without private
transportation. The property has been appraised and is valued at $184,000.
The Owner Occupied Rehab program is a valuable tool to help the City's low
income population keep their homes safe and habitable. Council has directed
staff to find an alternative funding source for the program. This funding
source will allow flexibility to serve more citizens in an efficient and more
timly manner. The City is gaining $220,000 worth of services for $184,000
worth of property.
Financial Considerations
The City purchased the property with CDBG funds in 1995 and 1996 and has no
planned use for the property. Any use must satisfy the CDBG requirement or
funds must be paid back to CDBG. This use satisfies that requirement.
therefore no repayment is necessary. In addition, the City will no longer need
to maintain the property.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Council must approve all contracts and land disposal agreements.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the Resolution allowing the City Manager to enter into contract with
Neighborworks Columbus to administer an Owner Occupied Rehab Program in
consideration of a property donation for their new administrative offices and
authorize the City Manager to convey by Quit Claim Deed the property located at
601, 605, 609, 611 Veterans Parkway and 311 and 315 Sixth Street to
Neighborworks Columbus for administrative offices.