
Agenda Item #3

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
GEMA Grant
Police Department
Approval is requested to submit an application and if approved accept a grant \n \n from the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) to upgrade the City's 800 \n \n MHz Radio Communication System to function as a Regional Radio Communications \n \n System for the western counties of the GEMA Region 4 and amend the \n \n Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount awarded.
All counties that are part of the GEMA Region 4 participate through the All

Hazard Council to develop/maintain anti-terrorism and natural disaster

preparedness. Each year the Federal Emergency Management Agency/Homeland

Security provides grant funds to assist local governments with said preparation

and response capabilities. This year's grant emphasizes regional

preparedness/response for GEMA regions for 14 preparedness categories. This

grant application applies for funds under category #5 - Interoperable


Columbus operates somewhat of a Regional Radio System with our partners of

Harris and LaGrange/Troup Counties. Hence, Columbus has been a proponent for

developing GEMA Region 4 Radio Interoperability plan to provide 800 MHz

seamless radio communications for all city/county governments from Columbus to

Macon. Columbus operates an 800 MHz Radio Communication System on the western

boundary of Region 4 while Macon/ Bibb and Houston County have 800 MHz Radio

Communications Systems on the eastern boundary. The basic plan is to make both

of the Systems regional hubs. The Macon/Bibb/Houston System can be expanded

westward on a county by county basis while at the same time the Columbus System

can be expanded eastward on a county by county basis.
This grant application is request for engineering/planning funds plus an

upgrade to our radio transmission system to meet Public Safety standards and

accept other counties. As adjacent counties partner with Columbus, then, one

to two transmission sites will be placed in each county expanding our System

radio frequency coverage. Columbus will only receive a portion of these funds

($684,500) plus some engineering funds. The grant request the following


Phase 1 - Engineering/Design $50,000

Phase 2 - Columbus Redundancy/Upgrade Equipment $684,500

Phase 3 - Adjacent County Transmission sites, i.e. Meriwether County,

2 sites @ $700,000 each = $1,400,000

Phase 4 - Adjacent County Transmission sites, i.e. Talbot County,

2 sites @ $700,000 each = $1,400,000

Phase 5 - Adjacent County Transmission sites, i.e. Marion County,

2 sites @ $700,000 each = $1,400,000

Phase 6 - Adjacent County Transmission sites, i.e. Chattahoochee County,

2 sites @ $700,000 each = $1,400,000

Grant Total $6,334,500
Financial Considerations
There are no matching funds.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City's policy is to have a resolution approved by Council for grant

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve resolution for the GEMA grant.

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