Mayor and Council
Project Framework Agreement for Mott's Green Plaza (Monument & Rehabilitation)
Planning Department
Approval is requested to execute a Project Framework Agreement (PFA) for the \n \n Mott's Green Plaza (Monument and Rehabilitation Project) with the Georgia \n \n Department of Transportation.
This project will relocate and rehabilitate current masonry monuments, add a
covered 60' long bridge design to be built out in the river that commemorates
both Horace King and "The Last Battle" of the civil war, and add new paving
design to align the pass through under the bridge with the River Walk. As with
all projects developed through the City's Transportation Improvement Program,
the Georgia Department of Transportation provided a Project Framework
Agreement, for the City of Columbus to execute, in order to authorize the work
and funds for the above mentioned project.
It is necessary to execute the Project Framework Agreement from the Georgia
Department of Transportation to proceed with this project. Upon completion of
the agreement, the project will be bid by the City.
Financial Considerations
Under this agreement, GDOT will provide 80 percent of the Preliminary
Engineering and Construction Cost ($800,000.00). The local match of 20 percent
or $200,000.00, for a total of $1,000,000.00. Funds are budgeted in the FY 17
Capital Improvement Program - Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales
Tax - Discretionary - Resolution 283-16.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Upon completion of this project, the City will be responsible for all general
Legal Considerations
The City will be subject to all federal and state laws mandated under this
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested to enter into a Project Framework Agreement between the
City and the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) for the Mott's Green
Plaza - Monument and Rehabilitation.
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