
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
GACAPS Program
Parks and Recreation
Approval is requested to sign a new Child Care Provider Agreement with the \n \n Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) of the Department of Human \n \n Services (DHS) who operates the Georgia Child Care and Parent Services Program \n \n (GACAPS Program). This agreement will stay in effect until a new agreement is \n \n created or Parks and Recreation gives proper cancellation notice to DFCS \n \n stating its withdrawal from the GACAPS Program. \n \n
: DFCS oversees the GACAPS Program, which is designed to provide eligible

children with child care subsidies. Parks and Recreation is listed as a child

care provider with the GACAPS Program and invoices child care payments to DFCS.

The Parks and Recreation after school programs currently have 50 participants

that are enrolled through the GACAPS Program. The new Child Care Provider

Agreement is a continued agreement with DFCS, including new provisions,

policies, and procedures. The GACAPS program helps parents with child care

cost who may not be able to afford child care services otherwise.
Financial Considerations
Parks and Recreation will continue to be a listed provider for the GACAPS

Program at no cost. Payments will be invoiced to DFCS for GACAPS participants

who attend the camps and after school programs at least once a week. Parents,

who still have an assessed fee listed on their Child Care Certificate, will be

financially responsible for their portion.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
None is expected.
Legal Considerations
City Council must approve this execution of this agreement.

Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to enter into a new agreement with DFCS for the

GACAPS program to continue to provide child care services to their program


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