
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Multi-way Stop Intersection, Amber Drive and Luna Drive
Engineering Department
Approve the attached ordinance amending City Code Section 20-8.1 Through \n \n Streets Designated by deleting Luna Drive as an intersecting street and \n \n amending City Code 20-8.1.2 Multi-way Stops Designated by creating Amber Drive \n \n and Luna Drive as a Multi-way Stop intersection.
The Traffic Engineering Division studied the intersection of Amber Drive and

Luna Drive for the application of a Multi-way Stop originating from a CitiLink

request. This intersection currently exists with Amber Drive as the through

street and Luna Drive as the intersecting/Stop street. There is also an

Intersection Flasher at this intersection flashing Yellow for Amber Drive and

Red for Luna Drive the stop street. Even with this traffic control, there

continues to be right angle and turning accidents.
Traffic count and speed data was collected in performing the Mulit-way Stop

Study based on the warrants defined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control

Devices. This intersection meets minimum traffic conditions to warrant the

installation of a Multi-way Stop control.
Financial Considerations
The cost of four additional "STOP" signs, installing Stop Bars, Crosswalks and

revising the flashing intersection beacon displays will be approximately $1800

being charged to the Traffic Engineering Division's Operating Budget.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
All Multiway Stop intersection ordinances require approval by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve Amber Drive and Luna Drive as a Multi-way Stop intersection.

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